Bedminster Township Parent Teacher Organization Bedminster School Adopted February 15, 1994 Revised February 13, 2001 Article I Name of Organization The name of this Organization shall be Bedminster Township Parent-Teacher Organization, commonly referred to as the Bedminster PTO - 234 Somerville Road Bedminster, NJ 07921 Article II Objectives and Purpose The goals of this organization shall be:
The by-laws as set forth are to protect the rights of the members and their elected officers, and also provide basic information for their elected officers and the parents concerning their rights and responsibilities of the PTO. Article III Policies This Organization shall sponsor programs, which shall be of an educational and informative nature. This organization shall sponsor fund-raising projects; the profits to be used to further the objectives stated in Article II. This organization shall be non-commercial, non-profit, non-sectarian, and non-partisan. Article IV Memberships and Dues Any person interested in the goals of the Bedminster Township PTO and willing to uphold its policies and subscribe to its by-laws, may become a member upon payment of dues. All interested persons shall be offered an opportunity to join at the beginning of each school year and until November 30, with the exception of new admissions, who have three months to join. The dues for each fiscal year shall be determined by the vote of the General Memberships at the June meeting. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30 of the following year. Upon payment of dues, each member shall be entitled to one vote. Article V Officers The officers of this Organization shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. All positions, with the exception of the Treasurer, can be shared by co-partnership. If co-partnership exists, only one vote can be placed from that position in an Executive Board Meeting. These officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the membership attending a general meeting to be held no later than June 1. The officers shall serve for a term of one year, but shall be allowed to be reelected for a second one-year term. No officer may hold the same office for more than two terms consecutively (revised February 13, 2001) Newly elected officers shall officially assume office at the last monthly meeting of the school year. A vacancy occurring in an office shall be filled by appointment of the Executive Board until the next annual election. The vacancy should be filled until the end that school year, at which time an election will be held for that office. If the vacancy occurs in the middle of a term, the newly elected officer will complete the term. President Shall preside at all meetings of this Organization and its Executive Board Shall keep the Executive Board members informed on all pertinent information, call special meetings if need should arise, represent this Organization when needed, act as a liaison between the administration and the Organization Shall coordinate the activities of the officers and the committees in order that the objectives may be promoted and may attend committee meetings as an ex-official member. Vice President Shall perform the duties of the President in his/her absence Shall aid the President in the performance if his/her duty Shall publish the monthly PTO Newsletter and the annual calendar of events Secretary Shall keep the minutes of all meetings of this Organization and the Executive Board Shall conduct the correspondence of the Organization Shall provide copies of the minutes at each meeting Treasurer Shall have charge of all funds and present a financial report at each meeting Shall receive and pay bills, as approved, and make all deposits Shall prepare a budget with the assistance of the Executive Boards, past and present, prior to the first fall PTO meeting Following approval of the budget by the Executive Board, the Treasurer shall present the budget at the first general meeting for approval Accounts shall be audited prior to September 1 Article VI Nomination and Election of Officers Nominations for all officers shall be made by a Nominating Committee at least one (1) month prior to the election. The Nominating Committee shall consist of two (2) Executive Board Members and three (3) members from the General Membership. The Nominating Committee shall present a slate of officers to the General Membership at the March meeting at which time nominations from the floor will be taken. The Nominating Committee shall inform the General Membership that absentee ballots may be requested prior to the March meeting. The General Membership shall be informed of the acceptance of the slate through the next publication of the newsletter. Elections will be held in April. Newly elected officers will begin working as apprentices to the current officers so that they may have the opportunity to learn their roles and functions prior to taking office at the June meeting. All elections of officers shall be written by unnumbered ballots. Two volunteers from the General Membership shall tally the votes. No person from the Nominating Committee or Executive Board shall be involved in the tally of the votes. Article VII Membership Duties The Executive Board Shall consist of two officers of this organization Shall have the power to transact business between meetings of this organization Shall attend Executive Officer meetings each month Purchases up to $50 can be approved at an Executive Board Meeting The General Membership Shall consist of any person who has paid their annual dues Shall accept and approve by laws of this Organization Shall approve any major expenditures prior to the disbursement of funds Article VIII Financial Administration Dues Annual dues shall be established at the June meeting by a majority vote of the General Membership present. Dues must be paid by the 20th of November, with the exception of new admissions, who will be given three months to join. Incoming funds shall be deposited by the Treasurer in a timely fashion. When possible, monies should be verified, left in the school, and secured in the PTO cash box. It will be the Treasurer’s responsibility to verify and deposit the funds into the bank account. Accounts The PTO may maintain checking and/or savings accounts. The Executive Board shall determine the numbers of signatures required for debit transactions. The Executive Board shall be authorized signatures for the account. Budget A proposed budget for the fiscal year shall be prepared by the Executive Boards, past and present, at least on month prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year, July 1. Acceptance of the proposed budget shall be done at the June meeting. (revised May 14, 1996) Article IX Meetings The chairperson of each committee shall present his/her plans and progress to the General Membership and no work shall be undertaken without the approval of the Executive Board. All chairpersons are required to submit to the President a summary report and the file or notebook of his/her committee at its completion. Article X Parliamentary Authority The supreme authority on questions of parliamentary procedure shall be Roberts Rules of Order, Revised. Article XI Amendments Any member of this Organization may submit in writing to the Executive Board any suggestions for changing the by-laws Upon approval by the Executive Board and the General Membership, these by-laws may be amended at any meeting of the Organization by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present and voting, provided notice of the proposed amendments has been given in writing to the General Membership at least two weeks prior to the vote. The amended by-laws shall then be available through the President with notice of that fact issued in the next possible issue of the newsletter. A copy of the by-laws should be available to all PTO members upon request. Article XII Dissolution In the event the Organization dissolves or terminates, any proceeds remaining in the treasury after paying all obligations, will be turned over to the Bedminster School to be divided equally among each grade. |